What We Do Our Impact
Project ARRIBA came to fruition in 1998 to increase the educational attainment levels for an underemployed population living along the Borderplex region. Twenty-five years later, our results have positively affected the quality of life and economic development of the El Paso economy. Project ARRIBA is a public 501(c)3 nonprofit community-based organization. We work to bridge the skills gap which exists between area employers and an aspiring workforce that lacks the opportunities needed to develop their talents.
Read the most recent Impact Report

Our first objective is to recognize the dignity of every person we interact with and treat them with respect. We believe in building people up and giving them opportunities to succeed. Through our participant-centered approach, we guide, motivate, and empower our participants to invest in themselves and create a better future for their families. In doing so, we take a population living at or below the federal poverty level — frequently single parents relying on social services like food stamps — and, through education for an in-demand career, they obtain long-term employment with family-sustaining wages to become tax makers instead of tax takers.

For every $1 invested in Project ARRIBA’s mission, $28 is returned to the local economy. In an economic impact study conducted by The Hunt Institute for Global Competitiveness, the added value to El Paso’s economy from the future earnings of our program graduates was assessed to be $893 Million.

Since starting our mission, we have graduated over 1,900 participants and placed them in high-demand occupations with an average income of $58,000 a year. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, our model of training participants for in-demand careers, particularly in healthcare, has proven immensely successful and beneficial to the participant and greater community