About Board & Leadership

- Americas High School Graduate
- Certified Medical Assistant (CMA)
One major trait that I believe all successful participants have in common is Desire. The desire of becoming an RN, LVN, Physical Therapist etc. Most participants come here being in difficult living situations, with major obstacles and struggles in between all, but their desire of wanting something so much will not allow anything to stop them from reaching their dream. The best part of my job is helping individuals in need. Helping them get through our program and seeing them graduate is a great feeling of satisfaction. It feels great to motivate and encourage them throughout the program, to some, that one word of encouragement can make a big difference. Project ARRIBA lifts the community by believing in every individual that comes to us. Believing that they will become successful. With great guidance, advice and support from our organization, individuals can reach their dreams by obtaining a career that will change their lives and with time it will impact our community. The work of Project ARRIBA is important to El Paso’s Latino community because it teaches them about college educational paths and provides the assistance to individuals who otherwise may not be able to afford college. In the Latino community, many individuals have the desire to become successful of course for themselves but most importantly to make their family proud, due to the fact that most grew up with parents coming from Mexico without an education and much less the financial assistance to go to college. I believe the work that we do at Project ARRIBA impacts the paths that these individuals are on. Many walk in here with literally nothing, barely making it through life with the very little that they have for themselves and their families, and to see how their lives change so much after they graduate and begin working, it’s amazing! Our entire team works very hard and long hours as well, but at the end of the day, it is a great satisfaction knowing that you made a difference in someone’s life, that is what motivates me and keeps me going.